So, 51 I was yesterday. I've made it past the half-century. I had a lovely day, it was really downtempo, but it was just me. I had a haircut and a beard trim, which is a nice treat. I like the barber, it's a regular visit for me; normally the shop is empty so it is only me and him, but I am beginning to think I need a change up.
Then I wandered in to town and had brunch at Malt Cafe. I really like it there. They cater to all types; carnivores, vegetarians, vegans and the undecided. I asked for a savoury snack, since I didn't think I was that hungry, and they recommended smashed avocado on sourdough toast. I took their advice and ordered that, and it was delicious. I was hungrier than I thought; I near enough wolfed it down!
I also bought a newspaper for the first time in an age and flicked through that, which was nice. It's all very well listening to the headlines on the radio, or catching a few minutes of the news at 10pm, or catching up on the latest controversy on Twitter, but there is something special about reading a newspaper and catching a story I hadn't been aware of.
Of course, walking all that distance meant I easily hit my 10,000 steps for the day. So I felt quite justified in enjoying a slice of birthday cake in the evening...
We also had our first fire in our new house, which didn't go quite to plan; the coal we've bought is a bit wet and so getting the fire going is a bit difficult, but with some wood to set it, it heated up the dining room quite nicely.
And that was my day. May there be many more, full of small wins.