Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Girls in Fancy Dress

What more to say? Apart from no youngest in this one...

Posted via email from Rob Thorley's Posterous Site

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Winning The Lottery

What would you do if you won the Lottery?

That's a question TW often asks, and it's probably one of her family'sfavourite topics of conversation. She'd probably be a very good Lotto winner, spending lavishly but sensibly, not frittering it away.

We could always do with more cash - it would be nice not to worry about how much is left in the bank from the 5th of the month onwards - but it seems to me we're in a constant state of anticipation, waiting for The Next Big Thing.

I'm probably more guilty of this than most; I'm an unashamed neophile. I love The New. At work we are moving from Lotus Notes to Outlook, and I can't wait. A New Toy to play with! What amazing new opportunities will it provide? I'm also applying for a six month secondment as a Project Manager - that'll be another New Thing, if I'm successful. I'll be working in a New team, with New people, on New issues. How delightful! And then, after six months, I can take my Newly-learnt skills back to my old role and look at it anew - I'm trembling with anticipation!