Sunday, September 26, 2010

So, then: Ed Miliband - eh?

What a bizarre choice. I'm not sure what else to say.
Surely, when choosing a political leader and a potential national premier, you want someone who's not likely to get carded buying Hooch or Thunderbird at Sainsburys? Of course, he'd get his older brother to buy it, but that's beside the point.
As a floating voter (I'd still class myself thus), Ed Miliband is not going to attract me to the Labour Party as the solution to all our ills.

I watched him on the Andrew Marr show this morning and he came across at times like a VIth Form debating contestant - petulant, querulous, unsure. I may be reflecting back incorrectly, and I realise that AM's questioning - "What would *YOU* do?" was a bit unfair after only 24hrs in post. However, since he put Labour's policies together, he should have an idea. It's not like he doesn't know what was left in the kitty.

So it could be oblivion for Labour. We'll see. TTFN.

Girls in a Pub

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bye Bye Sky Sports

Just cancelled Sky Sports, and they made no attempt to keep me - no half-price offers, no free three months, what's going on? Maybe they're all hungover...?

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Aah, the Weekend...

So, here we are then. TW still in bed, me in my PJs downstairs with the girls, watching Tiny Pop. We were watching Grease but the disc is cocked and keeps skipping - a trip to Amazon for a replacement might be in order. £3 with free postage? Bargainous.

I know what'll happen - TW will wake up, burst into life and dictate the pace of the day. We're off to a christening, or a 'naming ceremony' later today. That might be fun - I shall drive and so not drink. Probably for the best...

Looking forward to bacon sandwiches though - it's getting to be a Sunday tradition. Nice.