Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday 15-08-29 CM Nightlies for the OnePlus One

So I have switched to using CM Nightlies on my OnePlus. what that means is, updates to the software are released daily (overnight), and I can choose to add them into the existing software on the phone or not. I have an app installed on the phone, called CyanDelta, which identifies the changes and can download just those bits of software necessary to update the phone. This means I am applying small (~9mb or ~13mb ) updates rather than replace the whole ROM.
This has been fine for the last few weeks, until this week one of the updates broke Chrome, i.e., I just couldn't use Chrome as my browser. But that was fine because they fixed that the next day, and I was able to use Dolphin in the meanwhile.
The update on Thursday however, wasn't good. It seemed to cause stuttering in a few apps I was using, and I did experience what I believe was my first reboot while using CM Nightlies. Then, on the way to work on Friday morning, I had another reboot, and my wifi seemed to be a bit wonky.
So I made the classic schoolboy error and performed a factory reset. That meant that all apps were wiped from my phone, although the basic data was still there, I had for instance my progress on Temple Run saved. But I lost my call history, my SMS (what is the plural of SMS?), and some financial records which were of personal interest only. I could not get wifi to work though, and was beginning to panic. I spent most of the morning trying to connect to wifi, to be told that I was connected, but there was no data transfer. Then, after lunch, I rebooted the phone and voila, the wifi returned.
So the basic upshot is, I used a hammer to crack a nut, and I am still fine-tuning the phone to get it back to how I like it. Once I've done that, I am going to perform a nandroid back-up, so that if I get flustered again, I can just apply the back-up. I should probably see if I can schedule regular back-ups in Titanium Backup, so that I have a recent version to fall back on in case of emergency.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have the 29th Aug Nightly to flash... Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday 15-08-26 Thoughts on Camping on the Isle of Wight

So we have just got back from the Isle of Wight, a camping trip. while we got wet on the way home, the stay itself was very nice. We went with friends and it was most relaxing; so much so that it seems strange to think that we were only there for three whole days. We went on Thursday and came back on Monday, so had Friday to Sunday on the Isle.
Friday was good weather, so we went to the outdoor pool and then to the beach at Sandown in the afternoon. Saturday we spent at the Needles, and TW was quite surprised that I went in the chairlift down to the beach. It was a bit of a heart-in-mouth moment, but I made it down and up again, which was the scarier part of the journey. We had a lot of vouchers to spend in the sweet shop at the end of the day, so much so that the children still have some sweets left (!). On Saturday night we were treated to a natural lightshow, thanks to the lightning over Sandown, but the rain missed us and we were kept warm by the wind. It got noticeably warmer by a couple of degrees in a matter of minutes, it was quite a phenomenon.
Sunday morning was when our luck broke; the rain came in and we had to spend all morning in our friends' tent, all nine of us. However, apart from the occasional moment, the kids all got on well together and it was quite relaxing. Sunday  afternoon we went to the indoor pool and our friends took their tent down while we swam with our and their kids. I stepped into the jacuzzi and didn't realise that there was an extra step down to the floor of the jacuzzi, so fell face first into the water, causing great hilarity for the children. Then in the evening we went for a big nosh up at Pizza Express; as someone said, how middle class can you get?
Monday morning it rained and we had to dismantle the tent; it didn't go too badly, but we got horrendously soaked when we went to the Bembridge windmill. The journey home was a bit of a chore, as a result, but we got here.
It was a good break and I would do it again, at least we were able to laugh at our damp misfortune. But I'm damned if I'm going camping again next week...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday 15-08-17 Move More 2015

So I've signed up for Move More 2015. It's a nationwide movement to get people fitter and Work have signed up for it as well. They've given me a pedometer and I'm supposed to log my steps via a link they're going to send on a "weekly" email, which is yet to arrive. So it's been a good start to the month of enforced exercise; the aim is to manage more than 10,000 steps per day. I went for a 35-minute walk at lunch and managed over 12k steps on my first day. I'm planning to walk further over the next few days, but I've bought some new shoes and my feet are covered in blisters. I'm hoping they'll improve over the next few days and allow me to really get the steps in and feel better about the whole thing.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Thursday 15-08-06 Funding for Trades Unions

So I see that the Conservatives have decided that "ordinary working folk" can't have their union dues deducted at source:

It's a clever move, it means that people will have to see money come into their bank account and see it go out again. If people are looking at their outgoings, trying to reduce their expenditure or save some cash, their union dues will have to be considered.
But it seems to me that if Labour got into power next time round, they could just reverse the bill. It would be a game of political ping pong. There seems to me to be no reason for it.
People have already opted in to paying their dues, so they are paying voluntarily. Having the dues deducted at source just means they don't have to think about it.
I think the Conservative Party are trying to get a lot of stuff through while the Labour Party are leaderless and rudderless, and maybe they'll regret it later. I'm not sure, but we'll see.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sunday 15-08-02 Two Bites of Bushwalla

Since I last wrote, I've been to see Bushwalla twice. One of our friends enjoys his stuff and asked if we wanted to go and see him perform in Brighton at the Latest Bar. We decided to make a night of it and we asked M & P to babysit.
We headed into Brighton, and had dinner out before the show at Sawadee. We used to go to Sawadee regularly when we lived in Brighton, and it was as delicious as ever. TW insisted on the fishcakes, as that was always her favourite. I like Thai, it always tastes cleaner than Chinese. I love Chinese as well, we had a Chinese takeaway last night (oh, the decadence!), but somehow Thai food seems sharper and lighter than Chinese. So, after the Thai meal and a couple of glasses of wine, we went off to the Latest Bar. We were the first ones there, at about 19:45, which was a bit of a worry, as the show was due to start at 20:00.
Bushwalla himself came and sat with us to eat his falafel, and then went to get ready. There was a bit of a delay, as they waited for more people to show up. Eventually there were 11 of us in the audience (you couldn't call us a crowd...) and the show got underway. The support was a singer-songwriter called Tom Price-Stephens, or TPS for short. I really enjoyed his stuff, it was laidback and mellow. There were a couple of funny songs, especially "That's What She Said", and the first song, the opener which got me was "Between The Lines".
So that went well, and then Bushwalla came on. Apparently he writes with Jason Mraz, although I had to google Mraz to work out that I had heard his stuff ("I'm Yours" is one I've heard before).
Despite the fact that there were only 11 of us, Bushwalla pushed ahead, and gave us a show. It was really good, he played with his music and he's got some really good stuff, especially "Gangster" and "Freaky Guy". He had a lot of musical jokes going on, and was able to make up raps on the spot. He also threw in some juggling and some illusions, and it was a good show. It was a damn fine evening, and it was an awful shame that more people weren't there to see it. Still, we will always know that we were part of the #Brighton11.
After the show I spoke to both Bushwalla and TPS, and TPS gave me one of his CDs - that has had a couple of outings in the last week, and it is really good, and certainly a reminder of bits of the live show.

This Friday we also saw Bushwalla at the Tangerine Bar in Worthing; although bits of the show were the same, it was a completely different vibe, as the room was filled with 30 or so friends who were all in to his stuff. As I understand it, he was staying with friends in Worthing, and he apologised to some of the audience for eating their cookies. It was another good evening, and we really enjoyed it.