Thursday, April 07, 2022

22-04-07 - Thursday I - So Here It Is, Merry Covid

Finally I caught it. After two years of squirreling myself away, staying at home and away from crowded public places, I caught covid, and it was probably from our housewarming party. 
To be honest it wasn't much more than a heavy cold. But I have had both my jabs and a booster, so I am as vaccinated as I can currently be. I thought I had it, and stayed at home (didn't go in to the office) on the Tuesday, but I was testing negative. Then on Thursday afternoon I had a PCR test and the results of that, which I received on the Friday, confirmed that yes, I was indeed covid positive. I worked from home throughout, apart from on the Friday afternoon, but I did feel like crap for most of the week. Thank God for the vaccines though; I think I escaped relatively lightly. TW was bedbound for a few days, although she used that time to catch up on MAFSA. That was lucky, because it meant I didn't have to watch it...

I have felt a bit rough this week, which may be a hangover from covid. Other people have mentioned the same, that they thought they were better but then had a relapse. Or it could just be that I am sleeping really badly and so I am suffering during the days....? I guess we'll never know.