Friday, September 17, 2021

21-09-17 - Friday I - Dementia Diaries II

Wednesday was a good day. We went to Arundel in the afternoon and had a walk around the town. It's more of a village, but with a castle attached, so you can't really call it a village...
Some days Mum can't walk far because she has some toe issues, so Arundel is just about the right size. We walked up to where Sparks Yard used to be, and looked around Nineveh House. Mum is so odd; despite the fact that she could almost buy anything she wanted, she is still a spendthrift. It is just bred in to her, it's part of her inner core. The day Mum starts splurging money on even good quality tat will be the day I know that she's truly not there any more. So of course, she turned her nose up at everything, but there isn't really anything she needs... except fudge.
We wandered down to Roly's Fudge Pantry and bought three packets for £10. My choice was the salted fudge, which was delicious. Mum seemed to want to eat it all before dinner, but I saved most of my pieces for pudding. 

We also stopped and had a cup of tea in Lulamae's cafe, which Mum seemed to enjoy. Going back to her spendthrift ways, she would never normally enjoy a cup of tea out when she can make a perfectly good cup at home... But it was a nice sunny afternoon and spending time wandering around Arundel seemed an appropriate thing to do. All told, I was happy with Wednesday. 

Yesterday (Thursday) was a different story; it was a tiring day. I was trying to understand from Mum what she wanted from Dad's funeral, which was a complicated conversation to have, involving choice. And there was a point where she was trying to tell me that I should somehow change my attitude, but I couldn't quite get what she was driving at. So the levels of concentration were high, and I am not sure that all our interactions were successful. But: when I said I was going to go out for a walk to get some fresh air, late in the afternoon, she offered to come with me, so I knew I hadn't pissed her off. To be honest, I was really looking forward to 40 minutes or so by myself, but I didn't manage to achieve that yesterday. 


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