The weather had completely changed from yesterday; where it was sunny and warm yesterday – to the extent that we were out in the garden playing Yahtzee – today it was cold and grey and windy. I was wrapped up in a hoodie, a gilet and a woolly hat, and that still wasn’t really enough.
Anyway, the dog enjoyed it, and it was good to get some fresh air - literally. She was all wet and sandy by the time we were done, and she had performed her role as Chief Ball Retriever with aplomb. We stopped at the Co-Op on the way home for some essential supplies (sugar, milk, no hot cross buns!) and then had a cup of tea when we got home.
Since then, I’ve not done much. I’ve read a few pages of The Secret Barrister’s book: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken, which I’ve been meaning to continue with for a few days / weeks now. I really am enjoying it, but it’s so easy to get distracted with other crap. I’ve got three issues of Private Eye to plough through, as well as a bookcase full of comics which I’ve accumulated over a period of years, and over 100 hours of podcasts to listen to. And that’s before I get to my Netflix playlist and whatever I’ve got recorded on the Sky box (Madam Secretary, mostly, if I’m honest).
I’m trying out a new bluetooth keyboard I bought off of eBay, and to be fair, I’m not that impressed. It certainly looks nice but I think maybe I prefer my previous no-brand keyboard. This is my current set-up:

I do like to miniaturise things where it makes sense, and a keyboard / tablet combo is a good example of that. The keyboard is USB rechargeable, so it doesn’t use AA batteries for example. The keys on this Sandstrom keyboard are a bit soft and sticky, but it might just be the case that I need to get used to it. Let’s see.
Anyway, here are some pics of Worthing beach from earlier this morning – enjoy.