Sunday, April 12, 2020

20-04-12 Sunday - Covid-19 Day #27 - Happy Easter

So, Happy Easter. I’ve celebrated by not doing very much. SimCity Buildit on my tablet is keeping me occupied – to the extent that I’m not reading books or comics. But a challenge that I’m involved in draws to a conclusion tomorrow, and so I am hoping to get more concentration time then. We’ve played Scrabble today, and of course TW won again, mostly by getting a seven-letter word on her first go. Never mind.

I’ve been thinking about how we get out of this scenario, and currently I’m not sure there is a way. Of course, we will have to wait for the number of new cases, hospitalisations and deaths to decrease, but once that happens, do we go back to our previous ways of life? Surely if we did that with no protection, the number of cases of Covid-19 would start ramping up again. I wouldn’t want to jump on a busy train into Brighton if there weren’t a vaccine or some protection from this virus. Even if the current restrictions are relaxed somewhat, I may continue to work from home, or maybe look to get a lift with someone and shadow their work pattern, i.e., if they work from home, I would work from home...? That might work, I would be able to reduce my exposure to potential risk.

Of course, that is all stuff to be worked out in the future. Who knows what things might look like when restrictions are lifted. I guess decisions will have to be made then. We’ll see.


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