Friday, March 27, 2020

20-03-27 Friday - Covid-19 Day #11 - Marvel Films Will Save Us

Things have settled into a routine now. I am working downstairs in the dining room, along with TW. Occasionally we are joined by TE, but TMO works up in her bedroom. She’s on Facetime with a group of girls as they do their work, so that’s okay. TY doesn’t really have much to do; she’s in Year 6 and would normally be doing SATS now, which means revising what they’ve already learned and practising for the exams, so they don’t really learn much new stuff. She’s got a few bits to do, but not as much as the older two.

In effect, the girls are busy for the morning, but less so in the afternoon. That can be a bit distracting, but I think I’ve got a bit of rhythm going. It’s a shame it’s the weekend; now I’ll have to start again on Monday. At least the weather has been good – we made the right decision (or TW did) when she mowed the lawn last weekend.

It occurs to me occasionally that these really are unprecedented times that we’re living through. I’ve never before been told to stay at home as much as possible, and never before has the government had to pay the workforce in the way they have decided to now. TW & I are both in good positions, as we are employed by larger companies and we can both perform our roles at home. I don’t know how I’d cope if I’d been furloughed, and all I had to keep me busy was watching the news. I’m anxious enough as it is, and I’ve got work stuff to focus on. Not that the news doesn’t get in the way.

Luckily though, Disney+ has launched this week, and so we have agreed as a family that we are going to watch all the Marvel films in chronological order. We started with Captain America on Tuesday night, then Captain Marvel, then Iron Man I & II. We saw Avengers Assemble last weekend, but TE didn’t, so I’m not quite sure how we’ll navigate that, but we’ll find a way…

TW did say the other night that she couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather be in lockdown with, which I thought was rather sweet, and I feel the same way about her. Not bad for 16 years of marriage. We make a pretty good team. Probably not as awesome as The Avengers, but up there somewhere.


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