So, I’ve made it to the end of the first week of working from home. PM Johnson announced on Monday evening that those who could work from home should, and from that point we were advised that we were on a Working From Home footing. To be honest, it’s a bit strange knowing that I might be working from home for a number of months. I’ve done the odd day here and there, but nothing on this scale. I may come out of this slightly changed.
It’s been a difficult first week, I won’t lie. There have been a number of distractions, and it’s been challenging to adapt to my new working environment, which is a fancy way of saying my laptop is set up on the kitchen table. On Friday afternoon TW worked from home as well, and we have moved the table into the dining room because I expect the wi-fi signal there is better. In addition, from Monday, TE and TMO will be working from home as well, doing their schoolwork at the table alongside us. So actually, it will be like working in an office.
TW and I had a little contretemps on Friday afternoon; not serious enough to be called an argument. Our personal laptop, which she was using for work, has a bit of a loose connection in the power department, so she suggested I should send it back, which I’m not going to do. Then, somehow, she managed to disable the touchpad, so that the onscreen cursor disappeared; it took me about twenty minutes to identify and correct the issue, but at least I know now that Shift+F6 disables the touchpad. Not that I can think of a reason why one would want to do that.
Anyway, TTFN.
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