Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Loss of Child Benefit

Its not such a big deal, in my view. True, it doesn't impact me - I'd have to earn a bit more than I do now - but I support TW and three children on my wage. TW has a couple of pounds coming in from her Phoenix and Micro-Scooter sales, but it's not enough to worry the taxman.

If I earned enough to pay the higher rate of income tax, we'd be rock steady. Currently we rely on the child benefit, but that's because I spend a lot on booze and TW spends a lot on food. We could trim our sails if required (and I am trying to do that...!). It'd be nice to be in the position a lot of my friends find themselves:
"Child benefit? We bank it for his future", so it's not used for its intended purpose.

One point made on the radio last night was that if a household had a higher tax rate payer and a stay-at-home Mum, they would be impacted, but the next-door DITKYs (Double Income Two Kids) both paying lower rate tax would be unaffected.
The interviewee responded that maybe the DITKYs should, as a unit, be paying some higher rate tax on their income. At the moment tax is an individual affair, and so the marker was set as it was. There will be winners and losers at the margin, as there always is with tax changes.

So let's not make it a universal benefit, let's target it at those who need it most - which is still me, for the time being. Phew!

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