Friday, January 01, 2021

21-01-01 Friday Covid-19 Day 293 I - Happy New Year

Happy New Year all. That was a year, wasn't it? I did want to title this entry "Happy New Year Motherfunsters", but I held back. By letting you know, I kind of did it anyway. That is the definition of having your cake and eating it. 

New Year's Eve was a calm affair at Thorley Towers. We had party food for dinner; little mouthfuls of shop-bought breaded chicken and halloumi. We baked a camembert and dipped bread in it. Then I ate mini Stollen bites for dessert, while we played Risk. This was all at the kids' request, BTW.

Then once the game had ended we watched The Last Leg and when that finished at 11pm, we went to bed. TW fell asleep in front of the TV so I had to wake her up, and as we headed upstairs she got a call from a friend, seeing what we were up to and wishing us Happy New Year. TW felt we should stay up with the children to see in the new year, now that she was awake, but I declined, since I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. 

I heard a few unimpressive fireworks being let off at 11 o'clock, probably by Worthing's Brexit contingent. When I looked out to see what was going on, it was quiet and misty and there was nothing to see. I'm sure there is some metaphor or simile there, but I can't be bothered to make it. 

TW told me that there were much more impressive and loud fireworks at midnight, but I was asleep by then and didn't hear them. 

The new year always brings resolutions, and so I have three, I think. The first, as always, is to update this blog more often. This resolution tends to fall by the wayside early, so if I were in your shoes I'd tend not to worry about this one. 

The second is to run more often; it'd be good if I could get out three times a week. So I'll probably go for a little trundle later this morning - I'll have to start as I mean to go on. 

The third is to read more. I've got a load of comics (a whole bookcase full, to be honest) that I haven't read. I've also got Private Eye delivered every fortnight, and the Byline Times every month. More reading material is coming in than is going out, so it is time to do something about that. During lockdown we spent most evenings watching Netflix or Disney+, so in order to make time for reading, I think that TV watching on the scale we were doing it is going to have to go - at least for me. 

I think my ability to concentrate for long periods of time is slowly fading, and I'd like to build that back up. I've got a few books I'm intending to read as well, so I need to focus on those. 2021 might be "The Year of Study". 

We'll have to see how it goes. 

That's it for now, I think. I hope 2021 is good for all of us, but I have a creeping concern that it won't be. 


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