Yesterday was the first of two days off. It’s half-term and TW is working yesterday and today, so I have stepped into the breach and taken responsibility for childcare. Except that TE is away on a two day rugby course, TMO was away on a sleepover and had been since 1pm, so it was just me and TY.
We went into town and had lunch at Pomodoro e Mozzarella, which was lovely. And, quite reasonably, kids eat half-price during the week (Mon-Fri). You’d think that, if that is the case, they would get smaller portions, but no, their pizzas are exactly the same size as the full price versions. We’ve been there before and will go again, for me their Napoletana pizza is the best…
The lunch took just about the right amount of time, so we had a few minutes to pop into WHSmith and get some sweets for the cinema. I’d booked tickets for Coco, which turned out to be a lovely film. TY, who is eight, had said that she’d quite like to see Black Panther, but I think that was probably aimed at a slightly older audience. I’ll be able to let her know one way or the other, since I am going to see it tonight… Anyway, Coco was brilliant. It’s a very colourful film, quite literally, based around the Day of the Dead, which is not another zombie film but a Mexican tradition. I had a little tear in my eye at the film’s denouement, but then I have form in that regard. For example, Scrooged always makes me tear up at the end, and I think that might be because apparently that final call to arms was improvised by Bill Murray. Anyway…
It was a lovely afternoon, and time spent one-on-one with my childers, any of the three of them, is time well spent.
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