Monday, October 03, 2016

Sunday 16-10-02 Snowdogs

Yesterday was spent wandering around Brighton, spotting the Snowdogs scattered around the town. It was a brilliant sunny day, it couldn't have been much more different from Saturday if it tried. The girls were in good spirits, they were chatting with each other and pointing out various things to each other. They did bicker a bit, but once we got into the walking they got on well with each other. 
We stopped at Hove Lagoon to see the first one, but couldn't find it. Apparently it was in the café, but we weren't to know that... We didn't find the one at the King Alfred's Leisure Centre either, but after that we started flying. You can see the photos below. 
We walked from the i360 up to Churchill Square, and then on to the train station. From there we cut down through The Lanes back to the seafront, then we drove to The Level where the kids played in the skatepark for an hour. Then it was on to The Marina, where we saw another couple, and we had dinner at Pizza Express, which was lovely. M & D, our friends (and neighbours), did the same thing, and our paths crossed several times during the day. We had planned to have dinner together anyway, but we were at The Level together too. Our children get on really well, and so they loved the day. 
And I made it home in time to see Antiques Roadshow too, which was nice. 

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