Sunday, October 12, 2014

Five Weapons (Image Comics)

I have just finished reading Five Weapons #10. What an excellent comic, and such a shame that it was cancelled at this point.
The first five issues were printed in 2013 and I picked those up from my local comic shop, Uncanny Comics in Worthing. I bought them because the guys in the store were big on Image at the time (and still are), and they knew what I liked and recommended it to me.
The second series started early in 2014 and again appeared to be a five-part series. This time, I missed that it was being printed and had to pick up all five parts off of eBay.
It's a great comic. I'd recommend it to anyone, even people who dismiss comics as being for kids (cough, cough, TW, I'm looking at you...). The artwork was bright and clear, lots of blue sky, thinking back on it. The set-up was just wonky enough to be slightly unreal - where would you find an assassin's school in real life? And there was a definite plot; once I got into the rhythm of the first issue, I was looking forward to the next instalment and the hero's encounter with the next weapon club.
Apparently the author thought he could get fifteen issues out of the story, to tell it completely; in Issue #10, the last two pages seemed rushed, so that he could close it out. Reading stuff on the web, though, he knew it was going to be cancelled and so tried to reach a conclusion. It's a bit of a shame, I might have preferred being left in mid-air.
But it's comics like this that make comic collection such a joy. You can discover really great stories out there, that you might never have found if you didn't go into the comic store at that particular time, on that particular day. Five Weapons almost reads like a Mark Millar book, it maintains the tempo and your interest and there is hardly a frame wasted; it's a real tour de force.
I'm sure that Five Weapons will remain a fave read, and I look forward to finding more gems from the same author, Jimmie Robinson.

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