Hmmm. It's been a while. Sorry about that. Am having a dull weekend. Last night TW was working, and she's out again this afternoon. As a result, I'm in charge of childcare - the park beckons, on a lovely sunny day like today.
Hoping to watch the cricket later - England vs. West Indies in a T20 international, the second of two. England won the first one, on Friday evening, by ten wickets. Having said that, though, Sky Sports is free for the weekend, so there is Premiership rugby (only Exeter vs. Wasps, not that interesting) and NFL too - I could waste hours watching the NFL. I shall have to consider my options. Trouble is, there are other things we will need to record - the X Factor, for one. That's for TW, not for me. And I've just seen that Wolverine is on C4 too. Tarnation. I won't be able to watch that, definitely.
Well, the park beckons.