Thursday, February 03, 2011

Nick Clegg and Work-life Balance

I read this article in The Telegraph at the weekend, and it's been niggling me ever since.

Basically, Clegg's office have said they won't put ordinary business on his agenda after 3pm.
To me, that seems fair enough. After all, as DPM, he must have to review shedloads of paperwork on a daily basis. Why not have a cut-off time?

But The Telegraph are able to rustle up a Labour MP willing to go on record as saying "Nick Clegg seems to be clocking off after lunch and putting his feet up". Where do they get these rent-a-quote mouthpieces from?

The problem is that The Torygraph has its knickers in a twist because although the Tories are in power, they're practicing a brand of 'Tory lite', which isn't providing enough true Conservatism to satisfy their readership.

But they should know that The Grauniad, from their point of view, are unhappy too. It's nothing but doom'n'gloom on their pages.

So the Coalition, the Con-Dems (will that stick, do we think?), soldier on, with no support from either side of the established media, but with a general "they're okay so far" from The general public. Okay, so they've stuffed up on tuition fees, but apart from that, they're pretty solid.

So to waste firepower on this sort of bureaucratic nothingness, both by The Torygraph and the Labour rent-a-quote, seems wrong-footed. If this was on the back of some pretty big policy misjudgements, that might add to the overall political 'mood music'. But to me, now, this just jars. Must try harder.

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