Friday, July 02, 2010

Universal Free School Meals

Just listening to TiP, and thinking that universal free school meal entitlement is a lovely idea, but not really something that should be instituted in the real world.
Labour MPs on Wednesday were using the cancellation of the program as a stick with which to beat the Tories. If the scheme was implemented in full, how would they justify giving free school meals to the children of investment bankers and GPs at a time when the public deficit is ~£150bn?
Labour's approach seems to me to be taking on the role of provider of everything, in return for taking everything, and that way lies communism.
The way they refer to 'money being taken out of the economy' when public spending programs are cut indicates they believe the road to prosperity lies in taking and spending our money. I believe the private sector is where wealth and new money is generated. If all we had was the public sector, sooner or later the money would dry up.
So, those who can afford school meals, or prepare packed lunches for their offspring, should. No school meals are being taken away from the less well-off, the fact is that the scheme isn't being extended. And that means the funds which would have been used there can be used more effectively elsewhere.

- Posted using BlogPress on the move.

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