Sunday, March 07, 2010

To BBC or not to BBC?

So, David Mitchell today in the Observer wrote about the BBC and how great it is.
I agree, I think the BBC is worth the licence fee, and I found it quite amusing to read the 350+ comments below the article.
I am disappointed that they are planning to cut 6music, as I was looking forward to that as a treat when analogue is switched off.
If we, as a nation, want quality broadcasting, we'll have to pay for it. Those who accuse the BBC of left-leaning liberal bias are a frightening bunch, but luckily they have their own ghetto in which to lurk (I'm referring to the Biased BBC forum - pop over and have a look, if you fancy a good scare). They watch the BBC, they just don't want to pay for it, and they don't see the need to have any Labour or LibDem representation on BBCQT.
I do think the BBC could cut down a bit - maybe their publishing arm could be trimmed. Who needs CBeebies or Gardeners World magazine?
Having said that, I am gutted that they've pulled the Celebdaq site. I played that daily. Oh well.
If the Tories do get in, and decide to do something, I hope they ask us. And I hope the BBC Trust decides not to can 6music. Who else provides a service like that?

- Posted using BlogPress on the move.

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