Monday, May 31, 2021

21-05-31 Monday I - Married in Secret?

It came as a surprise to me, if to no-one else that Johnson got married in secret. There was talk, I think, that he was intending to get married later this year, and I suppose that since Carrie Symonds did bear his child and has had to put up with him throwing wine over her sofa, it's the least he could do. 

I guess we're not yet progressive enough as a society to tolerate someone with an "alternative lifestyle" (i.e., not married) as our Prime Minister. Let's not even mention the LGBTQIA+ community! Baby steps and all that...

Still, it is a bit of a shame that the Prime Minister of the UK had to get married in secret. If there was ever an excuse for a party, I would think getting married would be it. I mean, I'm not a great one for a party, but even I enjoyed our wedding and being surrounded with friends and family, all wishing us well for the future. As the most powerful person in the country, he could have had the "knees up to end all knees(s) up", even with social distancing. Maybe there were one or two individuals he didn't want to invite? I guess we'll never know...

It may be due to the fact that this is his third attempt at marriage. Maybe he'll get it right this time. He obviously succeeded at the wedding bit on the last two goes around; perhaps he just thought that he needed to get that bit out of the way, then he could concentrate on the "being a husband and father" bit, since that is the part at which he failed last time(s).

Either way, and whatever the rationale for the secrecy surrounding the wedding, I almost feel sorry for the man not being able to celebrate this life milestone in the usual way. But then he's in the position he is because of the decisions he has made over time. And at that point, empathy fades. 


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

21-05-18 Tuesday I - All Jabbed Up

I'm dropping the Covid day count from my posts, for several reasons. Covid isn't over by any stretch of the imagination; ask the Indian population. But we are relaxing lockdown rules here, pubs and restaurants are now open so that people can eat and drink inside, and with the elderly and vulnerable population in the UK vaccinated, I don't think we'll see another lockdown. Maybe famous last words...?
I received my second jab the other day, on Saturday. This time around there were no side effects which was a bit disappointing tbh. I'd been looking forward to a day of feeling a bit fluey, sitting on the sofa and being brought treats. Instead I ferried TE to and fro from rugby and baby sitting as per usual.
From my perspective this is just something that we're going to have to live with from now on. We'll all get annual Covid jabs alongside our flu jabs, and we'll carry on our lives as normal. Come June when we give up social distancing and stop wearing masks, it'll seem, in the UK at least, like some weird dream. People will reminisce about the year we spent locked in our homes, away from friends and loved ones. Those memories will fuel chats in sunny pub gardens on summer afternoons as people start to get back to normal. But you might find people walking their hands slightly more often, or sitting further back from their friends (just slightly) than they would have done two summers ago...