Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday 17-05-14 I NHS & Hack Attacks

I've been reading this article on the Guardian website  by Charles Arthur, and I do have to ask myself, if there have been 88 attacks of this kind in the previous 18 months or so, why haven't the NHS bosses prioritised updating to Windows 10? Especially if the contract with Microsoft for supporting XP had expired? Irrespective of politics, these systems need to be reliable as people's lives depend on them; results are stored and communicated across these systems, and people's medical histories are stored here. If someone is allergic to a particular treatment, you could find that on these databases, or if someone is due a check-up then that information is also here.

It's okay to run old systems, as long as the information there is not important in any way. If ransomware infects that system, you need to be able to dispose of that system without loss. That's not the case here. The fact that the NHS and the Health Minister have been warned about this and no action appears to have been taken is very worrying, especially in light of the fact that there have been 88 separate incidents. It seems to me that the tories have been caught napping at the wheel, and there is no excuse.


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