Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday 16-02-17 Body Pump

Jesus. Why anyone would put themselves through that voluntarily is beyond me. And apparently they go back for more, as well.
Of course I am talking about Body Pump, the exercise class which is quite popular these days.  TW had booked in with a friend but then, inexplicably, the friend dropped out (I joke,  of course - having been to the class it was entirely explicable why she would drop out) and TW asked if I would join her.
Well,  I had heard a lot about this Body Pump phenomenon, mostly from her,  so I was keen to see what it entailed. I was a bit reluctant to go when the actual time came, because I was tired after work, but I was also aware that I hadn't exercised in months and it was "now or never". So I popped upstairs and slid into my running gear, which hadn't seen the light of day since the last open day at Worthing Leisure Centre, and we set off for Splashpoint.
As we walked in TW greeted all her friends and acquaintances and told them that this was my first Pump class, and the reaction was almost uniform - "oh, good luck, you'll feel it in the morning!" and we went in. We had to get mats and bars and weights, and Jo the instructor told me to take it easy.
We did the first section of the class, which I found quite difficult, and then TW told me that was the warm-up - which worried me somewhat. How was I supposed to endure another 50 minutes of that? To be honest though,  there wasn't much time to think after that. I was too busy trying to keep up with the moves and the "dead rows" and "dead lifts"  and "two-two" moves to worry about dying of exhaustion.
I did actually enjoy it, and I'm not feeling that bad today, although the day has only just started. If I get the chance, I will go again. I am aware that I don't exercise and I do need to get out there and run or push myself somehow. If we can get a babysitter maybe TW & I can become exercise buddies too, who knows?

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