Sunday, December 06, 2015

15-12-06 Birthday Boy

The arrival of December brings  many things; advent calendars, office Christmas parties, World Aids Day, and of course - my birthday.

Yup, I was 44 on Tuesday. I have to keep saying it, because it's hard to believe, or at least, I find it so. Still, time has passed, and it's easy to mark because I've got three daughters who keep getting taller and older. So I can't say I wasn't warned.

Tuesday started slowly because I was hungover from the night before; TW had organised an open house to sell her make-up (she now sells Younique make-up) as well as stuff her friends sell - chutney, Body Shop stuff, bunting, etc. Of course as the day turned into the evening the open house turned into a drinks party and wine was imbibed.

So I started Tuesday feeling a bit fragile. The girls gave me their card, and TW gave me her card and present. She / they had got me a wallet (I needed a new one) and a new pair of jeans, which I also needed. I had a few other cards to open, which was nice. I was given a cheque, and also some vouchers for the comic shop, which will come in handy. I had to get to work for a 9am call, so couldn't hang about and enjoy a relaxed birthday breakfast. I'm sure TW was planning to prepare a full fried breakfast, but unfortunately it wasn't to be. The day passed relatively uneventfully, the team got me a card and I bought doughnuts to share, but that was about it.

Then in the evening TW and I went to the local Thai restaurant, which was delicious. We also intended to spend a bit more time in the alehouse next door, but we were a bit late in getting there before the meal, and after filling up on Thai green curry and assorted nibbles, the last thing either of us needed was to drink more alcohol. But it's a lovely friendly little place, really knowledgeable about beers, and they serve ales I've not seen anywhere else. TW said that she wouldn't mind if I popped in for a pint after work - as long as it was only the one - and as I get off the train at Worthing station, it's nice and close, so I might take her up on that.
All in all, it was a good day, if a little low-key, but that's the way I like it.


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