Sunday, February 14, 2010

Miliband the Hair-Splitter

This clip starts at exactly the right point. Miliband allows that Binyam Mohamed was subject to inhumane treatment, but doesn't accept inhumane treatment = torture. Apparently a court is investigating whether Mohamed suffered torture. If he suffered intentional repeated inhumane treatment over two years, what specifically would make that torture, in a way that Miliband would agree?
Coming on top of the 'Campbell on Marr fiasco', things are beginning to smell funny...

Alastair Campbell cries (nearly)

I watched this last week and couldn't believe my eyes. I thought it was a mickey-take. This is the guy, after all, who dug a pin into his palm during the Hutton enquiry because he was so angry at being questioned. And now we're supposed to believe he's 'overwhelmed' after six years of stonewalling journos, manipulating news and dictating Labour policy?
That's a bit much to take. Maybe he saw it work for Peter Andre on Sky News and thought he'd try it? I don't know, but it's one of the more bizarre things I've seen recently...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Church

The Church should just shut up. If they decide they don't want to treat people with equality, they should just zip it and carry on as they always have.
I always thought the Church was based on principles of inclusiveness. Mary Magdelene was a prostitute, wasn't she? And the Apostles were all farmers and fishermen. Didn't Jesus preach love for one's fellow man. And now the established Church is pleading with lawmakers not to have 'the gays' forced on them.
I know things change as you go on, but that's a terrible volte-face.
Perhaps next they can make a case for bringing back witch-hunting and the Inquisition?

- Posted using BlogPress on the move.