Anyway, that explains why I was listening to Radio 1, at my age. The BBC have something for everyone, I believe, and if Radio 2 is a bit nausea-inducing for a few minutes, Radio 1 is often sufficient.
But this morning, it wasn't. The DJ had introduced the topic of "funny shop names" and while there are some funny shop names, the ones he was reading out weren't particularly ground-breaking. The conversation was a bit vacuous, but at least it is normally broken up with a decent track or two. On this occasion, unfortunately, the DJ warned: "coming up after [x], Fontaines DC..." Well, that was enough for me, unfortunately. I switched the radio off. Fontaines DC are pretty good, I reckon, but at the moment they are suffering a bit from over-exposure, and it seems that they are being played on every show.
So I drove to Mum's in relaxed silence, and appreciated the lack of meaningless chat and/or songs that I don't particularly like droning away. It's got to the point these days that silence is a weird unexpected thing, that we don't quite know how to deal with. But as a break from the non-stop stream of verbal nonsense and meaningless pop that pumps out of most radio stations, silence can be a refreshing and invigorating change.
Anyway, as I turned the radio off, I thought to myself, "ha! You really are turning into a grumpy old man".