Last night TW & I went out in Brighton. It was part of my Christmas present - TW gave me 12 envelopes, and I get to open one each month until December. We’ve been together 19 years this month, and so TW suggested we go back to where we had our first date, the Sussex Yeoman. Handily, it is close to the station, so I met TW off the train after work and we went straight there. I had a very nice East Coast IPA (two of them in fact!) and TW had a gin and tonic. We had been sitting down for a few minutes when a guy who looked very much like Miroslav off of Line of Duty walked in. We googled him, sneakily, and quickly identified it was him - he grew up in Birmingham and had moved to Brighton. Eventually TW approached him, told him we really enjoyed Line Of Duty, and took a selfie with him. It was a good start to our Friday night together. And the clincher was, he bought us both a vodka and mango juice shot! What a nice fella.
Our next stop was The Foundry, which used to be called The Pedestrian Arms when I worked there. I had a pint of Low Five, which is a local brew, and really quite pleasant. I had tried it before, at a tasting session at The Independent, so I knew what I was getting into. TW was looking great, so I took a picture:
TW at The Foundry
Once we’d finished our drinks there, we moseyed down to Wahaca, where we had dinner. It was delicious, as ever: I think that’s the third time I’ve eaten there. We had a set menu, which was perfect, and enough for me, but TW spotted the chocolate & pecan brownie, so we shared that.
Once we’d paid the bill, we headed to the Spiegeltent and met up with a couple of friends for more drinks. To be fair though, by that time I was tired and ready for home, so we finished up and headed home. Normally I would have bought a beer from the Wine Centre by West Worthing station, but I was too tired even for that, so it was straight to bed once we got home.
All in all, a lovely night, and it was great to have time for just the two of us. We always say we should do it more often, and so we should.