Friday, July 24, 2009

Half-Days and Time-keeping

I took a half-day yesterday from work, with the original intention of going camping yesterday afternoon for an extended weekend. As it was, I had a call with Australia at 07:00 (after a 21:00 call the previous evening), and didn't finish in the office until 13:15. So by that point I had worked four and a half hours. Then when I got home I joined another call from 14:30 to 15:15, bring my work hours for the day to five and a quarter. There are some days I work less than this when I'm putting in a 'full day'.
Still, I got lots done, so that's okay. And you can probably guess we didn't go camping yesterday. We are planning to go today, as long as it's fine. There's no point going for two days just to get wet.

Going back to the work thing, we are so busy at the moment it is untrue. There have been two rounds of redundancies at work so far (one at end '08, one just completing), and our department wasn't impacted, so it's not like we have three people doing five people's jobs. It's just really busy. And the company have decided in order to maintain liquidity, they are going to stop paying into our pension funds for eighteen months. So we are working our socks off, having been given a pay cut. It's a crazy world.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Go, the Sussex

Sussex have made it through to the Friends Provident Final, the 50-over version of the game. Good work fellas. Shame the international match between West Indies and India was rained off. Gayle was out first ball, near enough.
'Twas a busy weekend of weeding. I wish I'd taken before and after photos, as the grasses were of almost biblical bulrush proportion. I took two loads of grass to the dump, and that amounted to two binloads each time. God, I sweated! Watched X2 as well, all the way through - that's a good film, but so long! I was willing it to end, eventually...
Night night.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Can't believe it's been so long!
Have had Daughter #3, 'Gunk-Eye' (will probably come up with a new name soon).
Have enjoyed the weather - it's been lovely recently.
Have had my pension payments stopped by work, due to 'the economic downturn' - 'but our people are our most valuable asset'. Doesn't add up, if you ask me.
Went to see Sussex play the Australians at the end of June - a very enjoyable few days.
Went to Goodwood Festival of Speed yesterday - very noisy and hot - a good way to start the weekend.
Really busy at work. Not enough time to do what I want at home. Shouldn't really be doing this - am off to get dressed and garden. Those weeds need sorting out.