Monday, November 06, 2006

Celebrating an Achievement

I'd like to record for posterity the fact that my daughter slept until 07:00 today. Normally, The Little Munch (TLM) sleeps until 06:00 - or, since GMT kicked in, 05:15 - and then we bring her into our bed until we get up at 06:30. On Sunday morning, TLM awoke as usual at 05:00, and I told The Wife (TW) that it was far to early to get up, and TLM was being unreasonable. Therefore, the correct course of action was to let her cry until a) she went back to sleep, or b) it was time to get up. I went into the cot room, held TLM and comforted her, then put her back in her cot. I closed TLM's bedroom door and our bedroom door in order to reduce the impact of the banshee-like screams, and went back to bed.
After approx. 30 minutes, TW couldn't take any more, and TLM was coughing as well, The Wife was concerned she was going to be sick. So TW got up with her. That was fine, I dozed off for a bit. Then we rose at about 07:00.
Fast forward to this morning. TLM woke at 05:10m, as per usual. I went in to pick her up, comfort her, assure her that we hadn't all been destroyed in a nuclear blast during the night, or fallen victim to a gang of wandering flesh-eating zombies. Then I put her back in her cot, left the room, closed the door, and...
Before I got back into our bedroom, TLM had stopped crying. When I went to check on her at 06:10, she was asleep. Result!